Is ‘Design Thinking’ the New Liberal Arts?

Peter Miller’s piece about design thinking and history, more accurately archaeology (because archaeology deals with the past-in-the-present), is in the latest edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education. Is ‘Design Thinking’ the New Liberal Arts?. Here are some highlights that convey a key message – that human centered design and design thinking, about which I…

car collection – connoisseurship and archaeology

This is one of a series of comments on the 8th biennial symposium “Connoisseurship and the Collectible Car” held at the Revs Institute for Automotive Research in Naples, Florida in March 2015. [Link] The symposia at the Revs Institute bring together people passionate about collecting cars, passionate about thinking deeply around questions of conservation and…

design and antiquarians – 4

This is a comment on the seminar series currently running between Stanford and Bard Graduate Center. [Link] [Link] This week – George Kubler’s extraordinary “Shape of time” from 1962, and the philosophy and archaeology of R.G.Collingwood [Link]. Both crossed (disciplinary) borders in looking at how we connect things and history. A key question (of pragmatography)…

design and antiquarians – 2

This is a comment on the seminar series currently running between Stanford and Bard Graduate Center. [Link] This week – the origins of the design museum in the nineteenth century. The history of design history.   The Victoria and Albert, South Kensington, London – original facade – established to improve British manufacturing

design and antiquarians – 1

This is a comment on the seminar series currently running between Stanford and Bard Graduate Center. [Link] Great discussion today about broad convergences between the world of the antiquarian collector and researcher of the seventeenth/eighteenth centuries and that of the designer of today. The notion of design involves questions of how we relate to objects,…