FARO – heritage futures

Faro – (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) – lighthouse (after the Pharos of Alexandria, with its cultural beacons – the Library and Museum). Faro, Portugal – The European Convention of Faro: Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Council of Europe, 2005) – [Link]. FARO – the NGO cultural agency/consultancy in Flanders dedicated to…


“Artereality: rethinking art as craft in a knowledge economy” – a manifesto for arts and humanities pedagogy, and indeed research, was published today in a collection of essays about the future of arts education in the US, edited by Steven Madoff for MIT Press. I wrote it with Jeffrey Schnapp, drawing on our experience of…

Hershman – Strange Culture – Sundance

Stanford Humanities Lab at Sundance Film Festival On Monday 22 January and Wednesday 24 January our experimental facility in the online world Second Life will host the première of Lynn Hershman’s new movie “Strange Culture” as part of the Sundance Film Festival. In 2004 artist and college professor Steve Kurtz was preparing for a [http://www.massmoca.org/…

elements of design – digital media

Sam and I have been working again on the eigenvectors paper – trying to get an analytical hold on the design principles that operate on (digital) media and mediation. see my comments on digital humanities last year Archaeology – looking at the design of things, in time, history, in relation to materiality. Made some breakthroughs…

chaos – thinking hypertext – and how place is such an indeterminable category

My class on Eight Great Archaeological Sites in Europe has delivered its site reports in our wiki Traumwerk. They write about Stonehenge and Tell el Amarna, Olympia, Pompeii, Knossos and Monte Polizzo. Their interests appropriately go all over the place and are very difficult to contain. This collaborative hypertexting (once people get their heads round…

The illusions of VR

Lynn Meskell at Stanford telling us about her new technology project with Columbia computer scientists. High resolution laser survey/scanning produces 3D models of archaeological sites. They tried it at Monte Polizzo over the summer. The result – a textured wireframe model of one of the architectural features of this hill top settlement. As excavated by…