Over twenty years ago I was in Paris as a Fellow of the Maison des sciences de l’homme at the Centre d’archéologie classique and the Centre Louis Gernet (Alain Schnapp, François Lissarague and colleagues), combining the connoisseurship of ancient Corinthian ceramics with my discovery of French anthropology of science and technology (Bruno Latour, Pierre Lemonnier,…
the automobile as document
This is one of a series of comments on the 8th biennial symposium “Connoisseurship and the Collectible Car” held at the Revs Institute for Automotive Research in Naples, Florida in March 2015. [Link] The skill set of the sophisticated collector Miles Collier took us round some of the cars in the collection of the Revs…
Is ‘Design Thinking’ the New Liberal Arts?
Peter Miller’s piece about design thinking and history, more accurately archaeology (because archaeology deals with the past-in-the-present), is in the latest edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education. Is ‘Design Thinking’ the New Liberal Arts?. Here are some highlights that convey a key message – that human centered design and design thinking, about which I…
car collection – connoisseurship and archaeology
This is one of a series of comments on the 8th biennial symposium “Connoisseurship and the Collectible Car” held at the Revs Institute for Automotive Research in Naples, Florida in March 2015. [Link] The symposia at the Revs Institute bring together people passionate about collecting cars, passionate about thinking deeply around questions of conservation and…
on Dere Street
Corbridge Diana – wearing a helmet with eyes (pushed back on her head)?
archaeological discovery – Binchester
There’s something so appealing about archaeological discovery: the excavations at Binchester (I am so missing being there this year) are turning up all sorts. Here’s David Petts reported in Culture24 – Archaeologists find baths of "sociable" Romans and early evidence of Christianity in Durham. (Much better than the article in the UK Daily Mail yesterday…
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