This is one of a series of comments on the 8th biennial symposium “Connoisseurship and the Collectible Car” held at the Revs Institute for Automotive Research in Naples, Florida in March 2015. [Link] The symposia at the Revs Institute bring together people passionate about collecting cars, passionate about thinking deeply around questions of conservation and…
critical heritage
a visit to a studio – cultural entanglements
This evening Molly and I visited the studio of Ghiora Aharoni. I had been here in November, as part of the class on antiquarians and design – [Link] Then it was a visit through Peter’s iPad camera – on Skype. This evening the occasion was a reception to celebrate Ruby Namdar’s novel, ten years in…
Cultural heritage and violence in the Middle East
From Fiona Rose-Greenland on openDemocracy war encompasses the old things and places that make us who we are Cultural heritage and violence in the Middle East. Theatres of erasure: Syria and Iraq The violence in Iraq has killed nearly 6,000 civilians since the start of 2014, according to the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq. In…
holiday heritage
London – around from the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square I am not usually interested in this kind of photo, but I couldn’t resist this one (click on image to enlarge).
heritage – men from the ministry
In my talk a couple of weeks ago at the HVA (Historic vehicle Association of America) summit on automotive heritage I warned of some of the political tensions in the field of heritage [Link] Just whose heritage is to be cherished? Are governments going to regulate and how? We considered how the treatment of historic…
heritage futures – a design paradigm
Last May I delivered the Reinwardt Memorial Lecture at Amsterdam School of the Arts – [Link] This week it was published as an illustrated booklet – Let me tell you about Hadrian’s Wall: Heritage, Performance, Design The 2012 Reinwardt Lecture. Amsterdam School of Arts, 2013 Background: phases in the growth of the heritage industry this…
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