I have just received a copy of Make space: How to set the stage for creative collaboration, from Stanford d.school’s Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft – [Link] It is about the wonderful environment of the Peterson Building, home of the d.school, how it came to look the way it does, with its customized fittings, studios,…
archaeological sensibility
Olivier – Le sombre abîme du temps
Laurent Olivier’s wonderful book Le sombre abîme du temps has just appeared in translation (as The dark abyss of time: memory and archaeology) – [Link] Laurent offers profound elaboration of the fundamental insight that the past is all around us, before us, in material traces, that presence is filled with the past, that the future…
graveyards and a sentimental education
I can’t help hanging around the dead. On a visit to Walter Scott’s grave in the ruins of Dryburgh Abbey. Some extraordinary gravestones. Early to mid 18th century. I have been talking with Bianca (Carpeneti) and Chris (Lowman) about a true education of the sentiments – as envisaged by Rousseau – so much more appropriately…
35 hands and one paw
The excavation season is starting up again. We’ll soon be off to the Roman borders to Binchester – Vinovium. Chris Witmore (Texas Tech), one of our PIs, sends this as a reminder of last year … thirty-five hands & one paw on Prezi
Lara Almarcegui
Another artist exploring an archaeological sensibility – Rotterdam based Lara Almarcegui. Secession – at TENT, Rotterdam.
Song Dong | YBCA
Song Dong at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Dad and Mom, Don’t Worry About Us, We Are All Well is a large-scale installation called Waste Not. It comprises over 10,000 items ranging from pots and basins to blankets, bottle caps, toothpaste tubes, and stuffed animals collected by the artist’s mother over…
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