Between Pimlico and Westminster – a remarkable “English” café. Opened 1946, it has the feel of the 60s, but definitely not “retro”. The food is simple – eggs, bacon, beans, pies, chips, bread and butter pudding. Authentic? It reminded me too of a US diner. Definitely another third space – [Link] – Paul (Noble) and I…
holiday heritage
London – around from the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square I am not usually interested in this kind of photo, but I couldn’t resist this one (click on image to enlarge).
in memoriam Cliff Nass
Today is the memorial service for Cliff. There’s a touching page of memories on the web – They say so much. Cliff was the human in human-centered-design Here’s a video of the event
the old apple tree by our place in Boonville, California [Link]
Helen at Boonville, Thanksgiving 2013
design thinking – cultural ecologies – better teams
There’s a great recent post on Tim Brown’s Design Thinking blog from Tim and Jane Fulton Suri – [Link] They present four tips, inspired by biology, to create better teams: 1. Design a Fertile Habitat 2. Create Simple Rules 3. Be Productive 4. Expect Collaboration I think Tim and Jane are again raising the question…
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