archaeological discovery – Binchester

There’s something so appealing about archaeological discovery: the excavations at Binchester (I am so missing being there this year) are turning up all sorts. Here’s David Petts reported in Culture24 – Archaeologists find baths of "sociable" Romans and early evidence of Christianity in Durham. (Much better than the article in the UK Daily Mail yesterday…

Northumbrian summer

Gary (Devore) sent me this picture from the outing to Housesteads Roman fort taken by the Binchester Field School on Sunday – the sheep clearly quite at in with the impending rainstorm. I am reminded of waiting for a train at Cambridge station some time ago, sleet driving horizontally up the platform. One ticket guard…

twelve years on

For twelve years and more I have been visiting a tree, every month or six weeks. And taking photographs – every one quite different. [Link] [Link] An apple tree in Anderson Valley in northern California, and a legacy of an old agricultural industry going back to the 1850s or 60s, now eclipsed by the grape….