
Project : So werd ich Todten-Kopff ein Englisch Antlitz seyn – [Link] Marta Pilarska (Edinburgh) has discovered a favorite place of mine – Dryburgh Abbey, Scottish borders, a landscaped ruin. Here are a couple of headstones, mid eighteenth century, converted by Marta into 3D models. The textures are very good, as is being able to…

learning theory

Magnus Hansen pointed me to this interesting summary of approaches to learning from Richard Millwood – [Link]. We were working on the introduction to our book Creativity in Complexity – a summary of 50 years of project-based experiential learning and design thinking at Stanford and Roskilde [Link].

Lessons in (online) learning

Project: Future of Learning – [Link]Pedagogy: a personal manifesto – [Link] Let me try to cut through the avalanche of advice about online learning and summarize the essentials. Our schools and colleges have vacated their classrooms. The public high schools here in California seem to have just given up on any alternative. Others find themselves…