A wonderful new project is on its way from Abram for our experimental work on cultural information and databases. It is a system that displays on your screen and records (for future playback) a random selection of three items (in three browser windows) from a cultural database such as our wiki Traumwerk. What associations will…
media matters
The illusions of VR
Lynn Meskell at Stanford telling us about her new technology project with Columbia computer scientists. High resolution laser survey/scanning produces 3D models of archaeological sites. They tried it at Monte Polizzo over the summer. The result – a textured wireframe model of one of the architectural features of this hill top settlement. As excavated by…
Media aura
Bill Viola – The Passions – an Exhibition on at the National Gallery London. Lots of high definition videos of people’s faces in slow motion, displaying emotion, disposition, reaction. The technology and medium makes us look differently at the everyday. That was about it though. I couldn’t bring myself to stand in front of a…
Materialities of Media
Onomy Labs Over at Anne Balsamo’s place. Tilty table – tilt the table and the picture projected on it moves. Wonderful. As Joe Adler pointed out – a new way of scrolling, of flying across a picture or document – and it could be the size of a football field. New physical and embodied interfaces…
media and archaeology
Media|Archaeology Sam and I have been talking about his thoughts on media and archaeology, and about the Metamedia lab for a few months now – I have pulled together some of the highlights. The main point is about setting up a dialogue between Sam’s world of information science and software design, and mine of archaeology…
Media Eigenvectors – metamedia notes
Sam and I have been working on some ideas – in that space between archaeology, media studies, information science and software engineering. Here they are in draft (and written jointly in Hydra) Aims to discuss and describe media in the abstract, that is as distinct from technical and material properties to develop a set of…
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