Thanks to Colin Renfrew for his reaction to the decision to cancel the acquisition of Dennis Oppenheim’s “Device to root out evil”. [Link] [Link] [Link]
(Colin, Lord Renfrew, chaired the committee that designed the art component of the UK National Curriculum (it was a wonderful revolution in arts teaching) and has long been a champion of contemporary art).
From the traditionalist depths of the University of Cambridge may I say how sad it seems that the Dean of Religious Life at Stanford has opposed the installation of this work of art and seemingly assumed an eponymous lead role in its title (“Device to root out evil”). He is quoted: “The world views of art and religion don’t mix”: perhaps the President could send him as an emissary to the Vatican both to whitewash the Sistine Chapel and to disseminate the President’s one-liner (Stanford Daily, 28 September): “We make decisions not to bring art to Stanford every day”.