
page under reconstruction

Photography – turning your relationship with something that interests you, is before you and the camera, into a form that you can take away and look at later, share with friends.

Archaeology – taking old things that interest you away from where they were found and turning them into an archive, a collection, that you can study, write about, and share.

mode of engagement – architecture – camera

suggested is a performative rather than representational modus operandi

temporalities of actuality, kairos, duration, nostos

Archaeography – giving visual, (photo)graphic form to such relationships – engagements with the remains of the past in a recognition that both archaeology and photography emerged at the same time and under the same interests in the modern world of the first half of the nineteenth century.

ta archaia

I have been exploring archaeography since I first worked as an archaeological site photographer with Barbara Harbottle at the beginning of my career in the late 70s and early 80s – photographing and drawing the medieval remains of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England. See also – [Link]

Some of my work is collected at my web site[Link]


There is also a collective weblog at[Link]

Categories of post on my blog – photography, archaeography, ruins and remains.

Instagram move over – mobile photography in Amsterdam

For a detailed discussion:


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